Why Your Children Need you to Hire an Online Tutor for them

The Benefits of Hiring an Online Tutor

Hiring a tutor is a difficult decision. Hiring an online tutor is a choice that many people may never have even considered. As a result of the pandemic, more and more people are turning to online tutoring as a way to supplement the education of their children. To help you make your decision, here are three reasons why online tutoring could be the right path for you and your family.

  1. Choice: Whether you live in a densely populated city or suburb or in a small rural part of the country, you have the same choice of online tutors as any other person. If you are searching for an “in-person” tutor your choices could be limited, the availability might not match up, or you may not even be able to find an expert in the subject area of interest. By widening your search to online, you have the opportunity to choose a tutor because they are an expert in the field you need, but even more importantly, you have the freedom to filter tutors for the right personality fit for you or your child. You ultimately are capable of matching with a tutor that can cultivate a love for learning and unlock each student’s utmost potential.
  2. Recording and Reviewing: At Tutor With The Best, we offer the ability to have all of your sessions recorded and distributed to you immediately following your time with us. The recording is not only a voice recording, but also a record of the shared whiteboard with all of the work saved and written out as if the live session was happening over again. This attribute of online tutoring is an invaluable bonus that sets it drastically apart from in person tutoring. Students can review their sessions at their own pace, share them with their peers, and save them to look over before their next exam. A dedicated student could use these resources to give them the edge they need to be at the top of their class.
  3. A New Perspective: The structure of school has been relatively static for as long as I can remember: Math lesson, English lesson, science lesson, group work, assign homework, rinse and repeat. Certainly, teachers today have incorporated technology into their lesson planning, but the adoption rate of new techniques is always slower in heavily bureaucratized and regulated schools. Online tutors have the freedom to adopt new techniques, methods, applications and tailor them to individual student needs. In a classroom setting, this would be impossible. In addition, technology has always been a realm for younger generations. As parents we may be wary to adopt new methods that counter our experiences in the classroom, but young learners typically relish the opportunity to virtually explore, and in many cases their online presence is a source of comfort for them. Everyone has experienced the fear of embarrassment of not knowing. In math, this fear is most prominent. It is so culturally ingrained that we have even titled it as its own specific type of anxiety. Having an online tutor can help quell this anxiety by allowing students the ability to be more confident behind their online presence. This can boost their attitudes and bolster their willingness to reach out for aide.